In her upcoming movie Nepali actress Karishma Manandhar is featured with Rajesh Hamal. It is no new as they have been the most popular couple in Nepali movie industry. There was also a rumor of affair between the two. But, that is not what made ‘Kina Kina’ special. What made it special is that they have kissed for the first time on scree in their entire movie career.
Both Rajesh and Karishma are at the end of their life as lead characters in movie and in spite of playing opposite for such a long time it is surprising that they had never kissed on screen.
In the past, movies were supposed to be sober and kiss and sex were taboo subjects in movies. These days, such topics have been the focus of most of the movie. ‘Kina Kina’ is one of such movies by the director of the one of the first sex-oriented movies – ‘Palpalma’. The director Ukesh Dahal has claimed that both Rajesh and Karishma are featured in new looks. Karishma defends the movie by saying – although the movie is sex-themed, it is not vulgar.
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