The actress and the producer of film ‘Prem Leela’, Deepsikha Khadka, has married her boyfriend Amanjung Basnet in a traditional function held on November 29, 2023. The wedding ceremony was held at Hevan Party Palace in Mulpani. The friends and the family of the bride and groom were present at the ceremony.
Deepsikha and Aman Jung had previouly got married in a court filing at the Kathmandu District Court. The legal marriage held 5-months earlier was made formal at the recent event. Basnyat is working in Qatar Airlines.
30 years old Deepsikha had acted in various Nepali movies in more than a decade-long acting career in the Nepali movie industry. After debuting as a producer of “Prem Leela”, Deepsikha has also announced her second production movie, ‘Shreedevi’.
Before marriage, Deepaikha and Aman Jung had held an engagement ceremony at Ground Norling Hotel Resort.
Nepaliactress team wishes Deepsikha Khadka and Aman Jung Basnet a very happy married live and wish them a lovely relationship. Please comment on the new-wed couple. Thank you.