Last updated on December 17th, 2015 at 07:58 pm
This is the index of Nepali actress with names starting with the English letters ‘T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ‘. Please click on following letters to visit the respective pages.
The list of actress will be updated as required. Click on the following images to view all posts related to the actress.
Actress profiles (links will be updated after profiles of individual actress is posted)
All the posts tagged Tripti Nadkar, Tejula Khatiwada, Usha Poudel, Usha Rajak, Yuna Upreti, Usha Khanal
Update notes:
– Updated on October 9, 2014 – to add link to the profiles of actresses Usha Khanal.
– December 17, 2015 – change in layout and icon replaced.
its old yaar .