5 Nepali actress with tattoo on breast, Karishma, Sushma to Shashi Khadka

Last updated on July 2nd, 2021 at 09:20 pm

Tattoo is a new trend in Nepali movie industry. Most of the actresses in the film industry have opted to ink their bodies. The latest actresses who got the new permanent art on their body include Sweta Khadka and Poojana Pradhan.

Some of the actresses have preferred the location on their chest for their tattoo. The actresses who have got art work done on top of their breast are presented in the following video.

Watch video report:

The actresses discussed in the video are:

  • Karishma Manandhar – Karishma is the first Nepali actress to have a rose tattoo on her breast.
  • Sushma Kakri followed Karishma Manandhar and got a sun tattoo on her left breast.
  • Actress Suvekshya followed Sushma Karki when she replaced Sushma Karki in Bindaas 3. She tattooed the flag of Nepal on her breast to show her love to the country.
  • Actress Mausami Malla also has a tattoo on her breast. Mausami tries to hide it from the public.
  • Shashi Khadka also has a tattoo that looks like a butterfly on her breast.

A hot actress of the past – Jiya KC also did some photo shots with a tattoo on top of her breast. But, the tattoo doesn’t seem like a permanent. (So, Jiya is not counted in the five mentioned in the video).

Shubhechha-Thapa-Tattoo on chest


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