Market Rates of Nepali actress

According to film producers, the remuneration Nepali actress get for the movie they do is a than their male counterparts. Most of the artists don’t like to reveal the amount they get for the movie they have done. According to an online magazine merocinema, here are the rates of some of popular actresses. Rekha Thapa…

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Keki Adhikari, Binita Baral and Priyanka Karki in Hunger Strike

Last updated on January 4th, 2015 at 11:12 pmMore and more actress are participating in the hunger strike organized by Nepali film artists for the protest against the government. On the 12th day of the protest actresses Keki Adhikari, Priyanka Karki and Binita Baral were seen staging against the government without eating anything for the…

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Actress in hunger strike

Can you recognize the actresses in the following photo? They are in a hunger strike – protesting without even drinking water for a full 24 hours. The demands, in Nisha Adhikari‘s words: A box office for the transparency of financial transactions, an experienced leader for Chalchitra Bikash Board which is overall responsible for policy making…

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Husbands of Nepali actresses

Last updated on September 2nd, 2023 at 08:15 pmWe have collected details of the husbands of noted Nepali actresses in alphabetical order. The details of the following actors are presented with the photos of the actress with respective husbands. Aanchal Sharma (Dr. Udip Shrestha) Arunima Lamsal (Amit Aryal) Barsha Siwakoti (Ashish Gelal) Bipana Thapa (Dr….

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