Like every Nepali living out of country, actress Bipana Thapa was very saddened by the devastating earthquake of April 25. On that day, Bipana called actress Sarita Lamichane and discussed on how she could help in such a crisis. She sent 3 truck full of relief materials and a mini-truck medicine.
Although she had previously sent the relief materials, Bipana wanted to meet the people and help by herself. With that mission, Bipana arrived in Nepal on May 26 with more relief materials. In her 3-days-long stay, Bipana distributed the materials to the earthquake victims of Syuchatar, Hasantar and Baluwapani area. Syuchatar is her parental home before she married and moved permanently to India to live with her husband in 2063BS.
According to Nepalpati, Bipana distributed liters of cooking oil, rice, lintel, sugar, salt and soap and biscuits to the victims. To take care of the upcoming cold season, she had also distributed 150 blankets and mattresses.
Read the full profile of Bipana Thapa here.
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