The director of the upcoming Nepali movie ‘Falgu’ and an earlier release ‘Megha’, Samjhana Upreti Rauniyar celebrated her birthday on November 28, 2015. Samjhana, one of the very few female directors in Nepali film industry celebrated her birthday on the midnight with actress Shilpa Pokharel and her husband Bikash Rauniar. Shilpa is the lead actress in ‘Falgu’.
In addition to being the actress in her movie, Shilpa seem to have grown a much closer relationship with the director and her family.
Shilpa debuted in Chhabi Raj Ojha’s movies and has worked in three of his movies in a row. Samjhana’s movie ‘Falgu’ is the only movie so far Shilpa has done out of Chhabiraj Films banner. ‘Falgu’ is produced by actress Karishma Manandhar.
Nepaliactress team wish a very happy birthday to Samjhana and wish the movie will be successful in gaining a lot of viewers.
In the following photo Samjhana’s son Sabasta Upreti is offering tika to Shilpa.
Photo credit – Bikas Rauniar