The ‘Dhuwani’ actress Sagun Shahi, was having trouble finding the next movie even after a long wait after the release of her movie. In a latest rumor, Sagun has reached Dubai to work as a dancer. Although, she had told her friends about going to Mumbai, an online magazine reported that she is currently in Dubai.
Earlier, Sagun had publicly told that she didn’t have enough work to survive. Later, she was linked to various film related personalities. When things didn’t work well in Kathamandu, Sagun was planning to go back to her home town Surkhet. But it seems, she has decided to struggle in the foreign country instead.
These days, Dubai has become a favorite place for Nepali models and actresses. The actresses and models work as dancers and earn in the range of Rs. 2,00,000 per month. The earning is much more attractive when compared to the pay they receive in music videos and movies in Nepal.
In our earlier post, you can read the profile of Sagun Shahi.
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