The monthly expense of the top actress in Nepali movie industry, Rekha Thapa, is estimated to be about Rs. 50,000. Although Rekha doesn’t keep the record of her monthly expense, her income has been enough to keep up with the income. In the 12-years-long film career Rekha has bought an apartment, land and a vehicle. She has also given Rs. 1,500,000 in credit to her friends.
Expense break down of Rekha:
- Food expense – Rs. 13,000
- Vehicle petrol – Rs. 7,000
- Vehicle servicing – Rs. 3,000
- Electricity and cable charge – Rs. 1,000
- Security – Rs. 4,000
- 3 mobile sets – (she doesn’t have record of the expense)
Rekha Thapa’s income:
Rekha charges Rs. 350,000 to Rs. 400,000 per movie. In addition to acting in movies, Rekha charges for stage appearances, foreign program participation and modeling in print and television ads.
(Note – This article is based on the data published by ‘Shukrabar’ weekly, April 5, 2013.)
u are too much beauty..