Actress Rekha Thapa has joined a Nepali TV reality show ‘Nepali Tara’ and has promised to offer a song to the third position title holder in the show. Rekha was in the show to promote her upcoming movie ‘Tathastu’. The movie directed by Shabir Shrestha has Rekha in leading role.
Explaining why she choose the third position holder, Rekha says, "The first and second position holders usually get singing opportunity easily. But, the third position holders are usually left out." The third position holder will be given an opportunity to sing a song of Rekha’s upcoming movie ‘Ram Pyari’. The current edition of Nepal Tara is also the third season of the show. Rekha was the guest judge of the show.
‘Rampyari’ is the next movie of Rekha Films featuring her as a female Rickshaw driver. The movie is going to be directed by Shabir Shrestha.
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