Nepali actress Karishma Manandhar was seen in a program wearing a hot yellow one piece dress. The short dress reminded us of two past incidents in 2010 in which Karishma wore very short skirts.
Shortly after returning from the US she wore very short skirts to show her black undergarments. As if that wasn’t enough, she wore contrasting colored undergarment in another incident. The red colored undergarment was in stark contrast to the black colored skirt she wore.
It was in the first anniversary party of Nagariknews she flaunted another surprise by showing a brand new tattoo. The 40 plus actress showed off a rose tattoo on top of her breast creating a buzz in Nepali media.
It is surprising that the actress still looks a lot younger than her real age and flaunts latest and hot garments for the public to admire. When Karishma is seen with her teenage daughter Kabita Manandhar, it is hard to believe they are mother and daughter. Many mistake her for being sisters than mother and daughter.