A literary figure of Dang, Sabin Priyasan is going to publish a novel on the life of actress Namrata Shrestha. The novel is currently being reviewed by the actress before it is published. According to a report in weekly ‘Saptahik’, Namrata has suggested some improvements to the novel before it is published.
Sabin expects the novel to be released before Dashain festival. Sabin says that he had talked to Namrata from time to time in mobile during the process of writing the novel. He claims to have included the major events of the actress and her filmy career. The author says that Namrata is also excited of the release of the novel.
Namrata is considered one of the best actress in the Nepali film industry. At the peak of her career a sex video was released online causing the actress to go on hiding for a long time. She is believed to have recovered from the incident and is slowly gaining ground in the Nepali film industry.
As the book is called ‘novel’ not a ‘biography’ we can expect it to contain unreal and exaggerated incidents.