The actresses participating the Film Festival in Dharan accused the organizers of taking her forcefully to a party organized by the high ranking army officers in the area. The actresses were taken to the party in a local resort without any pre-notification.
The actresses taken to the party include Sushma Karki, Anu Shah, Ashishma Nakarmi, Jharana Thapa, Sushmita Karki, Nisha Adhikari, Sweta Khadka and others. Actors present in the party were Bhuwan KC, Rajballav Koirala, Shree Krishna Shrestha, and Aakash Adhikari.
In the party, the actresses were introduced to the officers in the party and they returned back to their hotel later in the night. In a report, the actresses Rekha Thapa and Sumina Ghimire had returned back from the way. In response, Rekha told that she was busy in a press meet so, she couldn’t to to the party of the army personnel.
Although the actresses accused of being taken to the party forcefully, they also admitted that nothing unpleasant happened there.