Actress Anu Shah has modeled in a music video titled ‘Gajale Gajale …’ of Lila Siwakoti. The song features the voice of Lila Siwakoti, lyrics of Kirshna Udashi and the music of Rajanraj Siwakoti. The song is one of the six songs on modern songs collection album titled ‘Yaad Timro’. The album is solo album of Lila Siwakoti.
Here are some photos of the shooting of the music video:
Lila Siwakoti’s solo album features six different songs featuring the lyrics of Durga Rimal, Krishna Udashi, Gita Khatri, Sshowri Prabasi, Govinda Humagain and Homnath Neupane. The music of the songs are composed by Rajanraj Siwakoti, Karma Gyalchan Bomjam and Hari Lamsal.
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