Actor Binaya Bhatta has revealed the good and bad things about his co-actress, Namrata Shrestha, in his upcoming movie ‘Sambodhan’. The movie to be released on January 30, 2015 features Binaya Bhatta with Namrata and Dayahang Rai in leading roles. As a part of the film promotion, the gossip on good and bad sides of the actress was published in ‘Saptahik’ weekly.
Here is the summary (in video and text follows):
Good things of Namrata Shrestha:
- Beautiful – Namrata is very beautiful and Binaya thinks that the God has created Namrata so that she could be an actress.
- Inner Beauty – In addition to external beauty she is also beautiful inside. She doesn’t want to hurt anybody.
- Good actress – Acting is in her blood. She can feel how the character feels in the situation of the film.
- Good dress sense – She knows what to wear for the character she is doing and she also has a good dressing sense for different events.
- Serving and receiving – Namrata knows how to serve those who are close to her. She is good at receiving and serving good foods.
Bad things about Namrata Shrestha:
- Hurt herself – She can’t hurt others. She is too good to hurt others so, she sometimes hurt herself by being too good to others.
- Risks health – She is a workaholic and is focused more in work than her comfort.
- Persistent and dogged – She wants things to be done her way.
- Hiding her pain – She hides her pain and doesn’t share them with others.
- Time management – She is very bad at time management. She has recently hired a personal manager to manage her time.
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