Actress Namrata Shrestha visited Sukutey to help in the relief effort to the earthquake victims. When she reached the village, she was surprised by the way the people were rebuilding their places without complaining the government or waiting for the help to arrive.
In her Facebook post, Namrata told about meeting an interesting old man in the place. All the old man had was an umbrella but he was smiling and told, "All I have is this umbrella. If it rains, I will open it and sit down."
Namrata thought those were very inspiring words she has heard lately.
In Namrata’s words, "Yes, we Nepali haven’t given up! We will and we can rebuild our nation! Let’s not complain who should have done it but, let’s be the one to do it"
Namrata adds, "We will work on this and I am sure you all will support!" She has thanked all the helping hands for the support they have selflessly provided to the people.
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