Nepali actress Sushma Karki had ended her 5-years-long affair with director Sudarshan Thapa before she started living together with Anupastha band’s lead guitarist Niran Shrestha. The had been living together in Nakhhu, Sat Dobato for the last eight months. Sushma used to take the boyfriend with her in her shooting spots and their affair had been the topic of rumor and misunderstandings in the shooting teams.
In an interview with an online magazine, Sushma has told that living with Niran for the life was not possible because of his behavior. Sushma has accused Niran of changing the password of her Facebook account and posting photos she didn’t want to post in internet.
After the separation, Sushma has been living with her mother for the last few days. We hope Sushma will find a new boyfriend soon.
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