Aslesha Thakuri biography, Premgeet 2 actress

Last updated on September 14th, 2016 at 08:15 amThe actress Aslesha Thakuri is going to replace actress Pooja Sharma from the sequel of hit movie ‘Premgeet’. While Pooja Sharma won’t be featured in ‘Premgeet 2’ the actor Pradeep Khadka will still be the lead actor of the sequel movie. According to the producer of the…

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Why did Pooja Sharma unfriend Prem Geet producer and blocked Pradeep Khadka?

In a latest report the actress of ‘Prem Geet’ is not happy with the leading actor Pradeep Khadka and the producer Santosh Sen. The producer Sen and actor Pradeep Khadka in foreign tour showing the movies in various places like Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand  the director Sudarshan Thapa and actress Pooja Sharma is in…

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Namrata Shrestha or Sushma Karki or Pooja Sharma, Valentine Day war in theatre

This Valentine Day three new movies are releasing in theater. Actress Namrata Shrestha is featured as a blind girl in ‘Classic’ teamed up with Aryan Sigdel, actress Pooja Sharma is featured as a lover girl in ‘Prem Geet’ and actress Sushma Karki is featured in a simple girl’s role in ‘Chalechha Batas Sustari’. Sushma is…

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