A big question now is if Shilpa Pokharel is marrying film producer Chhabi Raj Ojha. The producer who introduced Shilpa in the film industry and the producer of three of her movies, ‘Lazza’, ‘Hawaldar Suntai’ and ‘Kismat 2’ is reportedly getting married soon. The ex-husband of actress Rekha Thapa had formally divorced a couple of months ago. Now, the affair between Shilpa and Chhabi is in the news.
The rumour of marriage between Shilpa and Chhabi was initially started at the time of the release of her first movie ‘Lazza’. Both Shilpa and Chhabi have admitted that they had lied in front of the camera for the promotion of the movie. This time, the rumour has started at the time of the release of another movie ‘Kismat 2’. Both Shilpa and Chhabi have separately talked to journalists about their relationship but won’t appear together in front of camera.
With all this rumour and talk of the town, there is a high possibility that this is again a promotional strategy. At the same time, Chhabi would be more than happy to marry Shilpa as she is beautiful, talented and a successful actress.
I think, a marriage would be beneficial to both Shilpa and Chhabi for the following reasons:
- Chhabi knows how to make and market movies. Almost all of his movies are successful. Shilpa needs such a producer for her career.
- In the four movies of Shilpa released so far, two of them were of Chhabi Raj Ojha banner and the other two were of other producers. While none of her movies in other’s banner were successful, both of Chhabi Ojha banner were successful. By the way her third movie ‘Kismat 2’ is being promoted, there is a high chance that it will also be a successful movie. So, Shilpa needs Chhabi to be successful.
- Thrice married already, none of Chhabi’s previous marriage were successful. He needs somebody to be with in his old age. For that, there is nobody as suitable as Shilpa. But, the longevity of the marriage can still be disputed.
- Everybody believes that the person behind the success of Rekha is Chhabi. If it were somebody else, Rekha might not have achieved the success so fast. That is the attraction for Shilpa too.
- Shilpa has also invested in her fourth movie in Chhabi Raj banner – ‘Hifajat 2’. The movie will also feature Shilpa in leading role.
Another analysis about Shilpa and Chhabi’s marriage:
A news report on Shilpa’s investment in ‘Hifajat 2’
A previous report on Chhabi Ojha and Rekha Thapa divorce: