Actress Pooja Sharma raised in popularity after the success of ‘Prem Geet’. After that, she stole the limelights by wearing provocative and revealing clothes in public function. She also posed in bikini in her Thailand tour. She also created some controversy online and created an image of self-centered actress.
These days, everybody is taking her interviews. Critics have told that the flood of interviews are too much focus on the actress. Is it good or bad? What do you think? Please comment.
I am presenting some of the interviews of Pooja Sharma in the last six months:
An interview by FilmyKhabar talking about bikini avatar
An interview by Onlinekhabar:
An interview by forsee network
Another forsee network interview
An interview by Mazzako (1)
Another Mazzako interview (2)
One more Mazzako interview (3)
Mazzako again (4)
Interview with ArtistKhabar
Rangkhabar interview
Read the biography of Pooja Sharma here. Pooja Sharma is preparing to appear in one of the sequels of ‘Prem Geet’ – ‘Ma Yesto Geet Gauchhu’. The model and actor Paul Shah is going to be featured opposite to Pooja Sharma in the movie. Director Sudarshan Thapa is the director and the producer of the movie. Pooja is expecting to cash on the success of ‘Prem Geet’ in the movie.
The producer of ‘Prem Geet’ however is producing another movie titled ‘Prem Geet 2’ featuring the actor of the movie and a new actress Aslesha Thakuri.