Sunny Leone became a mother of a twin without, pregnancy and labor pain

Bollywood actress Sunny Leone has become a mother to two little boys without the hassle of being pregnant and labor pains. She had become a mother by surrogacy – a process of renting somebody else’s womb to fertilize the sperm and eggs of the real parents. Although the children were given birth by another woman,…

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Zukerberg Café, Karishma Manandher unveiles a love story collection

A story collection by a journalist, Ashwini Koirala, ‘Zukerberg Café’ was inaugurated jointly by actress Karishma Manandhar and journalist Subash Dhakal in Shilpi Theater in Kathmandu. During the ceremony literately figures Buddhisagar and Subin Bhattarai had talked about the book. During the ceremony actress Karishma told that she is also the fan of the writer…

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Nisha Adhikari seen with Sharad Vesawkar at Sunny Leone New Year program

The rumor of the affair between Nisha Adhikari and cricket star Sharad Vesawkar has got a new boost when they were seen together in the New Year celebration program in Kathmandu. In the program with Indian actress and adult star Sunny Leone as the chief guest, Nisha conducted the program.

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