In a program, Nepali actress Jiya KC has claimed that if anybody thinks she has done vulgar films, they are wrong. In her debut movie, ‘Ho Yehi Maya Ho’, she was featured in a decent role. But, after that she has done movies highly criticized for being vulgar.
The video of Jiya’s claim:
Jiya’s movie ‘ATM’ faced a tough time since the release of it’s trailer. The censor board rejected the majority of the movie and it had to be reshot. On release, the movie was banned from theater and later re-released when the court allowed it to release in theaters. After that, she had done other controversial movies like ‘Barbad’ and ‘Ring Road’.
Most of Jiya’s movies were awarded ‘A’ certificates – suitable for the viewers older than 16-years-old. Jiya has claimed that she was wearing the dresses of current generation. But, she didn’t talk about the explicit dialogues in the movies.
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