There is no doubt that lack of hair hasn’t diminished the beauty of Nisha Adhikari. The Everester actress looks strong and cute at the same time. A digital artist Namgyal Dorje has created a colorful art of Nisha with colorful hair. She looks cute and the colors in the hair enhance Nisha’s beauty.
Nisha had recently gone to the USA and the first thing she did there is to cut her hair short and eventually shaved it off.
Nisha says, “Hair, no hair. Nails done, not done. Make-up, no make-up. Dressed up, casuals. Either way I am the same, I feel the way I always feel… even better to rise above the definition of women.”
She adds, “When I see you, I don’t see the shiny shell and get intimidated. I wait for a while to know your inner self, to feel love and see beauty and to enjoy your blessed existence. If I have no time, I just see you and accept your presence. This simple is life to me.”
Nisha Adhikari with Arjun KC, a Nepali artist in the Texas, USA.
Nisha at the New York Broadway Show.
Nisha during an intensive workout session. Hair has started to grow again.
Bald Nisha wearing purple shorts and posing for photograph in a street in the USA.
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