New Year 2072 Wishes of Nepali actresses

We have collected the New Year wishes of Nepali actresses including in their Facebook profiles. The wishes are also compiled in the form of a video:

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News of being virgin is nonsense, Rekha Thapa starts it again

Last updated on April 11th, 2015 at 11:28 pmActress Rekha Thapa has ridiculed an almost 3 years old report in media about her statement of being a virgin. Everybody knows Rekha likes controversy and she might have well thought about the ‘virginity’ to be the best controversial topic to start again. She was talking to…

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Poojana Stri become Poojana Pradhan again, Name game of Poojana

The actress originally known as Poojana Pradhan has her name Poojana Pradhan Gurung in her passport and other identification document. Although she was known as Poojana Pradhan, after joining Jayasangat movement, she started using Poojana Stri as her name. She changed the name to indicate that there should only be male and female gender and…

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Rajani KC heads to Pokhara for Bracelet shooting

Actress Rajani KC has gone to Pokhara for the shooting of her upcoming movie ‘Bracelet’. The movie ‘Bracelet’ is the comeback movie of actor Ramesh Upreti and being directed by comedy artists, Nirmal Sharma. After unreleased movie by Poojana Pradhan, ‘Chocolete’, ‘Bracelet’ is the second directorial project of Nirmal Sharma. With Rajani KC the movie…

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Anu Shah models in Lila Siwakoti song, Gajale Gajale

Actress Anu Shah has modeled in a music video titled ‘Gajale Gajale …’ of Lila Siwakoti. The song features the voice of Lila Siwakoti, lyrics of Kirshna Udashi and the music of Rajanraj Siwakoti. The song is one of the six songs on modern songs collection album titled ‘Yaad Timro’. The album is solo album…

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Nai Nabhannu La 3 premier with Priyanka Karki in Australia on April 12

Actress Priyanka Karki has left for Australia on April 9 to participate in the premier show of ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’. In addition to the premier show on April 12, Priyanka will also participate in a meet and greet program to be held on April 13. The movie is releasing in the theaters in Nepal…

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Poojana Pradhan got a new tattoo, more to come

Last updated on April 10th, 2015 at 06:03 pmActress Poojana Pradhan has got a new tattoo on her right hand. The tattoo however is nothing fancy. It simply spells her own name ‘Poozana’. Poojana says “This is a lovely experience to have a tattoo in my hand.” She also said that it was such a…

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Priyanka Karki talks dogs and shares hot photos

Last updated on April 10th, 2015 at 06:04 pmIn a long Facebook post actress Priyanka Karki has talked in length about the social responsibility of celebrity and her love for her dog Snowy. On April 4, 2015 a ‘Dog Friendly Meet’ was organized – a first time in Nepali event. In the event Priyanka Karki…

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Shilpa Pokharel got a three week ultimatum from Chhabi Raj Ojha

Last updated on April 10th, 2015 at 06:07 pmBeing fit is essential to artists. Gaining too much weight has caused problem to Chhabi Raj Ojha’s introduction actress Shilpa Pokharel. In a report, Chhabi has given a three-weeks long ultimatum to Shilpa to get rid of 7 kg of her body fat. Chhabi and Shilpa are…

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Podcast – Does sex sell in Nepali film industry?

Podcast on if sex sells in Nepali film industry. We discuss about the sex in Nepali film industry with examples of Rekha Thapa, Karishma Manandhar who have successfully sold their sex scenes and actresses like Sumina Ghimire, Binita Baral and Jiya KC who have failed in that aspect. Please comment on the issue talked in…

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