Item girl Archana Dellala does a hot dance in Damdar

Following the Bollywood trend of having an item number in a movie to ensure the success of the movie, most of the Nepali movies these days also have hot item number. In an upcoming movie ‘Damdar’ item girl Dellala has done a hot dance. After debuting as an item girl in ‘Dhuwani’s song ‘Chalak Chalak…

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Melina Manandhar comeback in movies

After the marriage with actor Mukesh Dhakal actress Melina Manandhar stopped acting in movie. Melina gave birth to a daughter and raised her as a housewife. Now, when the daughter has started going to school, Melina has found some time to start acting again. In an upcoming movie made on a Buddhist nun, ‘Dhammawati’, Melina…

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Happy Birthday Sweta Khadka

Last updated on August 27th, 2015 at 08:34 pmThe actress introduced by actor Shree Krishna Shrestha in his home production movie ‘Kaha Bhetiyela’, Sweta Khadka is celebrating her birthday on February 5. The success of the movie made the actress an instant hit and the rumor of her affair with Shree Krishna also became a…

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Barsha Raut comeback in ‘Black and White’

Last updated on July 22nd, 2015 at 08:08 pmThe actress of movies ‘Basai’ and ‘Maya Marechha’, Barsha Raut is making a comeback after a 7-years-long absence. In that time she was busy in her studies and some modeling assignments. Currently busy in the workshop of the upcoming movie ‘Black and White’, the movie is expected…

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Happy Birthday Karishma Manandhar

Last updated on August 27th, 2015 at 08:34 pmFebruary 4 is the birthday of Nepali actress Karishma Manandhar. The actress known as evergreen actress of Nepali film industry looks as young as before when she started acting some 25 years ago. Even after 25 years, the actress is still featured as a young lead actress….

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Nepali actresses are dancers in Dubai bar and casino

A Nepali weekly has published a long list of actresses who dance in bars and casino in Dubai. The earning in Dubai is much more when compared to the earning they make by acting in movies. Video presentation:

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Sumina Ghimire to be featured in Parshuram

At the time when the movies featuring actress Sumina Ghimire are in the downward turn, the actress is signed in to act in a movie titled ‘Parshuram’. Sumina’s last release, ‘Star’ wasn’t that successful.  The movie featuring Shyam katuwal, Umesh Khadka, Birendra Biru Yadav with Sumina is being directed by NR Ghimire. NR Ghimire is…

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